Thursday, November 20, 2008

What a Waste!

So starting Wednesday of this week I had to use my PTO (paid time off) because I felt like I had been hit by a mac truck. I mean what a waste, I could've used those hours sunbathing on some exotic island or cruising in Alaska. Oh well, thank goodness I have a job I guess. Well today, I learned three things, well I'm sure there are more but lets just keep it at three. 1) Nurses make the worst patients because they often self diagnose and then don't see a doctor about it. 2) I have a severe case of strep throat and tonsilitis. And if you don't believe me just have a look at my ginormous tonsils. They doctor reprimanded me then called them HUGE and said it had been a long time since he had seen any this bad. 3) I'm not one to take a lot of medication, I like to tough it out (which is probably why I am in this predicament at present) but percocet is a lovely drug. I am so excited that I might actually get some sleep tonight!

...Sorry no gross pictures of my additional thing I learned today, my camera broke and it's irrepairable...bummer.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama for President

Buckle up's going to be a bumpy ride!

Monday, October 27, 2008

To Dye or not to Dye? That is the question!

I made a decision the other day...I am going back blonde. Goodbye brunette and hello blonde. So Tuesday afternoon found me at Zoe's Salon where I spent four hours having the dark color removed from my hair and heavy blonde highlights placed. It's weird to see myself with lighter hair and sometimes I catch myself passing a mirrored window with no recognition of my own reflection. I do however welcome the change. I mean, I always love change. Blonde's have more fun anyway, right?

P.S. In these photos my hair looks red more than blonde...but keep in mind this is a process and I have just done step #1...strawberry blonde, then blonde.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The 2009 Film Festival

This year's film festival was a blast! We, The YSA's in the area all got together at the Wardman Park Marriott in D.C. to watch films that we had taped. Our ward, the Union Mill Ward did a spin off of "The Office" called...The FHE as well as a commercial called The Network (which I flexed my muscles in...embarrassing...I'll do anything, won't I?) Our ward carpooled and rode the metro downtown. We had a great time dancing and lamented when it was over. I went all out and those of you who know me, know that I don't pass up an opportunity to get "all dolled up"! My mom and I made a beautiful red dress (which I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE) for the event. I also went and had my hair done which was fun! Let me know what you think...Enjoy the pictures.

The Joys and Hazards of Running

So, many of you know that running has been my life for the past couple of months. Some things have made it more difficult (i.e. the time change) to accomodate my running schedule during daylight hours. This leaves me the dilemma often times of running by myself in the dark. Here are some of my running stories/experiences from the past couple of months:

The Joys
defined calves :)
It is so relaxing for me and leaves me time to clear my head/ponder about life

The Hazards
Not being able to see where I am running, leaving the possibility of spraining my ankle

Running without sidewalks and having to put my arm behind my back just so it wouldn't get hit by the passing cars...(this is my mom's favorite one! LOL)

Running across dead animals that you think are alive...(you'll have to ask about the full stories later)so far I have encountered a snake, a skunk, and a deer...I'm not going to lie, I thought I might have a "Tommy Boy" situation on my hands.

Eating peanut butter cookies less than two hours before you run 16 miles. I really don't recommend this one!

Stopping for water only once during my longest run...I mean, who needs water anyway. Overrated :)

Running at 10:30 at night in the dark by myself.

Usually when the risks outweight the benefits you stop doing whatever it is that you are doing, right? Nope, not me. I'll probably just continue on with my crazy ways and run until I can't run anymore.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Too tired

Update: I had a story almost ready to post tonight when all of the sudden the page navigated away and all my work was lost :( I promised myself that I was going to go to bed early tonight so sadly I will not be recreating that post tonight. Adios, until next time which hopefully will be in the near future...goodnight!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Heroes and Villains

So I never thought we would be able to top the ghetto fabulous party I threw back in March but I think we just may have this past weekend. A couple of us were ready for another night of good ol' fashioned fun and dancing...and thus was born the idea of a Heroes and Villains party. It was pretty awesome and a good excuse to get dressed up, which many of you know I love! Funny to me though how most of the girls dressed up as villains...maybe we wanted an excuse to be bad for one night...enjoy the pictures!

Apple Picking

Our singles Ward went apple picking last Saturday. Once again it was a beautiful day and perfect for the activity! I love our ward. It was a lot of fun and I broke an apple in half with my bare hands for the first time. Don't worry, I'll include a picture! Now let the baking begin...I've never seen so many apples sitting in my apartment at one time!


Our next stop was Niagra Falls, U.S.A. and Cananda, eh?! These falls are so beautiful. The ladies and I went on two tours where we got to go into the heart of the Falls with one (Maid of the Mist) and right under the Falls on the other(Cave of the Winds). God and Jesus are such great artists. Once we spent most of the day in the U.S. we walked over to Canada and saw the falls lit up at night. We also met a group of YSA's from Toronto, Canada while, huh?! We had a pretty tiring day and were ready to stay with our gracious hosts, The Hamon's whom we met in Palmyra the previous day. Ah, the inner city of Buffalo...good times.


Over Labor Day weekend I had the opportunity or took the opportunity to take a road trip. I put the word out and was able to recruit a few friends to come with! It was so much fun, we all had a great time. Our first stop was Palmyra, N.Y. which I had never been to before. The weather was perfect and conducive to the spirit that was present there. Learning about and being in all of the church historical sites was amazing, awe inspiring, spectacular, etc. I did, however have two favorite spots while visiting. The first one is probably pretty obvious:

1) the sacred grove - it was so peaceful there and neat to think that this was the place where God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith.(pictured above)

2) the replicated room in the Frame house where Joseph Smith was visited by the angel Moroni. We had the opportunity to bear our testimonies of Jesus Christ and his church while in this room.(pictured above)

The couple of days that were spent in Palmyra helped me ponder about my life and renewed my conviction to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Can't wait until I get to go back.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cleaning Machine!

So after weeks and weeks of being so busy I had no time to think, I finally got to clean my apartment from top to bottom today. This includes dusting, scrubbing the floors, laundry, cleaning my car, etc. There is something therapeutic about having a clean house. I think it has something to do with the whole "a house of order is a house of God"! Anyway, that's all for now...Now, let the FUN begin!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Duh, Duh, Duh...Hap-py Birt-day.

Vicky requested a carrot cake for her birthday celebration this year. So like the good sister that I am :) I offered to make it for her. Wow, I don't know how many of you have made a carrot cake before but it is a lot of work! Totally worth it however! It was pretty tasty if I do say so myself with the exception of the whole "sleeping beauty" frosting fiasco! Who could help that though, it was like 90 degrees in mom's kitchen...the frosting didn't stand a chance!

P.S. I only now about two weeks later realized that I spelled Birthday wrong on the cake when frosting, I guess that's what I get for going to NOVA where "N" stands for knowledge!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

TJ's Crib

So I've lived in Virginia my whole long (24 yrs)life and only recently did I go to visit Thomas Jefferson's home, Monticello. It was a perfect day for it, I just wish I had more time to spend reading or chillin' in Charlottesville. But the company was well worth the few hours that were spent there. TJ was was great man, he did so much for our country and I am amazed at the legacy he left behind. Seeing the beautiful property only makes me want to own land and have what he did only on a smaller scale(not really kosher with getting millions of dollars in debt as he did). I definitely recommend visiting! I love Virginia. I think one of the most exciting things for me by visiting Monticello is that I am one step closer to accomplishing my goals for the year! Yea!

I love the Washington D.C. Temple!

I love everything about the temple and I haven't even gotten to experience the best part yet. But I can't help feel peace and love when I am on the grounds. My roommate and I went to see the "Monuments of Faith" photo exhibit and the Why I Believe Fireside when these photos were taken. Beth, this is the dress I made with mom's help. Mom said that you wanted to see what it looked like so I am including a close up photo as well for you to examine.

P.S. Kudos to you Amy for having two photos chosen and displayed in the exhibit detailed above!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Peach Picking

Tradition in our family calls for peach picking come around August time. I missed last year and was more than happy to rejoin the crew again. This year I have already been cherry, blueberry and peach picking and still plan to go apple picking! I definitely want to own land and maybe a fruit tree or two when I grow up :) You know, I still love climbing trees. And of course no trip was complete without going to the apple house in Lindon where they sell the best fresh, hot, apple doughnuts! MMMmmmm.....yummy.

One year older and wiser too?!

You be the judge of that one! I can't believe how fast time goes by as each successive year of my life passes. Here are a few highlights from my birthday this year. Next year I'm looking at a half a century...yikes...:0)

Image 1 - mom surprised me and decorated my apartment door, how cute is she!
Image 2 - Cutting the Costco cake at work on my bday. 6 weeks off of sweets...
Image 3 - The Recycled Happy Birthday sign that has lasted throughout 4 birthdays this year!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Can I just say that sleep is glorious! And when I say glorious, I mean fantastic, spectacular, wonderous, fabulous, marvelous sleep. Last night I fell asleep after an exhausting day at 7:30 pm and did not wake up until 6:00 am the next morning. It made me realize what I was missing by staying up late and neglecting my ZZZzzz's. That's all.

P.S. The Olympics do not help with the whole sleep thing either. I am totally addicted to the amazing display of talent from these athletes.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

So this week I've been a workoutaholic. I forgot how good it felt to push my body to it's limits but also how good it felt to think and ponder about life. I haven't been doing this as much as I'm used to lately. Anyway, I really have come to learn so much about myself already. Some things I already knew, some I just discovered and many more I've yet to discover. Pretty general I know, but here are some specifics:
1) I like people who are honest with themselves and with me.
2) I don't like people who are superficial just because they want to avoid conflict or really any reason for that matter.
3) I am a daughter of God and should expect to be treated as such(including treating and talking about myself with respect.)
4) Gratitude for my trials and hope that they will end makes them A LOT easier to bear.
5) Life goes on even when you think it won't.
6) I really like making goals and then accomplishing them...I'm more than halfway done with my 2008 ones! Yea!
7) Family is AWESOME. They accept you for who your are and not who you aren't.
8)I love my job, taking care of people and being a nurse.
9)God intended life to be happy, so make the most of every day.
10) I am blessed. I mean, immensely blessed!

"Enforced change usually does not last, while productive enduring can ingrain permanent change." Elder Neal A. Maxwell.

This made me think tonight...God does not force me to change, I mustdo this on my own. "Productive enduring" denotates action. I must constantly be active in embracing the gospel and it's doctrines and principles and desiring to become better. The trials that I am faced with daily help bring about this lasting change. Persistent endurance acts as a catalyst for permanent change to ingrain these truths on my heart and I become more like the Savior, Jesus Christ. The Savior who endured every individual pain, affliction, weakness and sin. Looking forward with hope can help make enduring easier, even when I don't always know the Lord's plan/timing for me. I am so grateful for my trials. Honestly, I know I have changed and become better because of what I have experienced and endured in the past. Isn't it fantastic to know that he knows us all individually and that through His ultimate act we can change our hearts and will to become like Him? I am not as eloquent or articulate in expressing my testimony as Elder Maxwell is, but I know that his words are true.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Jessica's Baptism

I know I'm only going to be 24 in a week and 2 days, (yea! send all presents to mom's house...ha ha I know, I think I am funny) but nothing makes you start to feel old like when your oldest niece gets baptized. I can't believe she is old enough...I mean, I remember when she was born. Craziness. It was a nice ceremony. Jess asked me to give the closing prayer, no problem right?! Well, when it was time for the closing song I completely broke down and then blubbered over the closing prayer. I am my mother's daughter that's for sure! How cute is my brother Thad in this picture with his oldest child. My brother's are all great men and I hope that the man I marry is as great a dad to our children as all of them are to theirs! Congrats Jessica, I love you!

Cherry Blossom Festival 2008

So, after having lived in Northern Virginia my whole life I finally made it down to see the cherry blossoms as they were peaking this year. It was so beautiful and the day that I went the wind was blowing so that it looked as if it was snowing cherry blossom petals. Yes, yes I know kind of lame that I had to go by myself but I just decided that if I wanted to see them that's just what I had to do. Maybe next year one of you can come with me :)Any takers? Hope you enjoy the pics and if you haven't ever been downtown to see the blossoms, I highly and I mean highly recommend it!

I'm Officially a Blog Neglecter!

So my last post was in April and I am officially deeming myself a blog neglecter! Man, I am such a slacker and really don't have a good excuse as to why I haven't posted something up here in the past two-three months. I know that many of you are on the edge of your seats waiting for an update on my oh so interesting life :) so I will proceed to indulge. Enjoy!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Posting...just to post!

So I was informed yesterday by my good friend, Laura, that it has been a month since my last blog. I apologize for that...I guess I just wasn't aware that people actually read my blog. Updates include: finishing travel nursing and getting a new office job, finding a new apartment/roommate, starting to train for the Marine Corp Marathon which I will be running with my brother, Ben. Nothing too exciting has happened to me but I'll try and keep you updated as new events occur. Now addressing those who actually do read my blog...I'm sorry. I was reading back through and found multiple grammatical errors. You would never know that I been edamacated! Granted I did get my degree from NOVA, where the "N" stands for knowledge. Enjoy and I will post pictures from Easter at a later date.

Peace Out and Laura...I hope this satisfies your blogging expectations! :)

Friday, March 14, 2008