Monday, October 27, 2008

To Dye or not to Dye? That is the question!

I made a decision the other day...I am going back blonde. Goodbye brunette and hello blonde. So Tuesday afternoon found me at Zoe's Salon where I spent four hours having the dark color removed from my hair and heavy blonde highlights placed. It's weird to see myself with lighter hair and sometimes I catch myself passing a mirrored window with no recognition of my own reflection. I do however welcome the change. I mean, I always love change. Blonde's have more fun anyway, right?

P.S. In these photos my hair looks red more than blonde...but keep in mind this is a process and I have just done step #1...strawberry blonde, then blonde.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The 2009 Film Festival

This year's film festival was a blast! We, The YSA's in the area all got together at the Wardman Park Marriott in D.C. to watch films that we had taped. Our ward, the Union Mill Ward did a spin off of "The Office" called...The FHE as well as a commercial called The Network (which I flexed my muscles in...embarrassing...I'll do anything, won't I?) Our ward carpooled and rode the metro downtown. We had a great time dancing and lamented when it was over. I went all out and those of you who know me, know that I don't pass up an opportunity to get "all dolled up"! My mom and I made a beautiful red dress (which I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE) for the event. I also went and had my hair done which was fun! Let me know what you think...Enjoy the pictures.

The Joys and Hazards of Running

So, many of you know that running has been my life for the past couple of months. Some things have made it more difficult (i.e. the time change) to accomodate my running schedule during daylight hours. This leaves me the dilemma often times of running by myself in the dark. Here are some of my running stories/experiences from the past couple of months:

The Joys
defined calves :)
It is so relaxing for me and leaves me time to clear my head/ponder about life

The Hazards
Not being able to see where I am running, leaving the possibility of spraining my ankle

Running without sidewalks and having to put my arm behind my back just so it wouldn't get hit by the passing cars...(this is my mom's favorite one! LOL)

Running across dead animals that you think are alive...(you'll have to ask about the full stories later)so far I have encountered a snake, a skunk, and a deer...I'm not going to lie, I thought I might have a "Tommy Boy" situation on my hands.

Eating peanut butter cookies less than two hours before you run 16 miles. I really don't recommend this one!

Stopping for water only once during my longest run...I mean, who needs water anyway. Overrated :)

Running at 10:30 at night in the dark by myself.

Usually when the risks outweight the benefits you stop doing whatever it is that you are doing, right? Nope, not me. I'll probably just continue on with my crazy ways and run until I can't run anymore.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Too tired

Update: I had a story almost ready to post tonight when all of the sudden the page navigated away and all my work was lost :( I promised myself that I was going to go to bed early tonight so sadly I will not be recreating that post tonight. Adios, until next time which hopefully will be in the near future...goodnight!