Friday, March 14, 2008

More GF Goodness

My Ga-hetto Fabulous Par-teh

So I decided that with all the stress in my life I needed to and should let a little soul out. In my craziness I decided to throw a ghetto fabulous party at my place. It was SOOO much fun! We had a great turn out and even had a keg of beer, root that is, there! We had awesome hip hop, rap, and r&b music. Breakdancing (which I known my neighbors loved me for) and food. I think this was the hardest part about the party. I mean what would you serve at a GF pary? I ended up having chicken nuggets, watermelon, cookies, chips, seven layer dip, m&m's...stuff like that. People did a really good job dressing up. I had to work the night before or else I would've given prizes for the best soul outfit. Now those who know me might be in doubt that I have it in me to be ghetto but I think you'de be surprised. I can GF it with the best of em'! Some people called the party racist which I personally think is insulting and absurd but just to appease we had all nationalities present. I even got to practice my tagging for part of the decorations! Enjoy the pictures. Sorry to those who couldn't come, you missed out. There's always Next time!