Sunday, August 26, 2007

Jumpin' on the Bandwagon

So I was hesitant to take part in the whole "let's start our own blog thing" that was posted on the family website until well...everyone created a blog and then I just felt left out. A second thought that came to mind was...who wants to know about my life? I mean, I don't have cute kids to post things about, I don't have a man to ga-ga over, and well to be honest I don't know enough spanish to have a bi-lingual blog site so what's the point, right? Then a certain Saturday Night live skit came to mind...I ran to the mirror and said I am Rachel Palmer I'm worth it and gosh darn it people like me(it went something like that). So here I am jumpin' on the bandwagon and creating the most wonderful blog site ever! the very least I can probably promise an interesting RN story every now and again!


Fetcher said...

Rachie -

The Saturday Night Live skit goes something like this -
"I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, People Like Me."

You don't have to have anything to share a blog with others ... not kids, or speak Mexican, or have 3 boobies. All you need is a few minutes and your opinions. I love being able to post things that are on my mind, and see it on the internet. It's very cathartic (yes, it's a word) for me. I know I would like to read more about your life and your opinions on random things.

Ms.LMC said...


I would want to read your blog. It's always good to have a new blog to read. Welcome to the blogosphere!