Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Who knew that taking care of a 90 year old spanish speaking patient this weekend...would renew my resolve to learn spanish and speak it fluently! This cute old man whenever I would come into his room would pucker up his lips and say, "Besito...besito, Mamacita. Que linda." He was confused, what can I say?! I did my best to communicate, being a gringa and all! I can safely say that I got more action this weekend from this cute old man than I have in a long time. So be prepared for my awesome Spanish speaking skills in the near future!

1 comment:

FairfaxBuddha said...

You got more action from him than... So you actually kissed him? Isn't that against hospital rules? That's a really cute story Rachel. I think he's totally right; you are beautiful. Glad to know your resolve has strengthened. Love you lots!