Friday, December 28, 2007

The Isle of Green

So I think that most everybody knows that I went and ran a marathon in Ireland. Well, I mean I couldn't just go and run...I had to sight see also. My friend Diane offered to go with me. So off we went a week before my marathon at the end of October. What a beautiful really is every shade of green one can imagine!!! We had alot of good times...and if you have a REALLY long time I can tell you all the stories as well as show you all of my pictures! The country was rich in old architecture (which I love) and ancient runes. Pictures highlights include:

Kissing the Blarney Stone
Blarney Castle
Cliffs of Moher
The Burren
and much more...

As far as the marathon...well let's just say I finished. I injured my knee around mile 17 and finished an hour after my first marathon. Maybe not enough training, or hard enough training...well better luck next time. Just disappointed that I flew across the Atlantic to do so poorly.

1 comment:

Brent said...

Looks like you made it safe and sound to DC! I hope you had a great trip with the maternal parental unit.

Your epic road trip is yet another item about which you should blog.

Keep this trend up. It's fun to see what you're up to. And, despite what you might think, people care about the minutiae of your life, my friend.