Thursday, September 20, 2007

Excited for Halloween

So I decided that Halloween is probably one of my favorite holidays! Who can't appreciate the tradition of All Hallows Eve when the demons were thought to roam the earth freely on this day. I won't lie and say that I don't like dressing up and having an excuse or rather a guilt free day when I can indulge in all the candy eating I want. In fact...I can't believe that when we were all younger we used to have pillow cases as our candy bags. No wonder I looked the Alvin, from Alvin and the chipmunks when I was younger. LOL This year I get to experience this holiday in two countries...Ireland and the good ol' US of A. Some of my favorite Halloween memories include:

" Here you go fatso." - said by one of the neighbors to still makes me laugh so hard!

Getting money from the Saustries

Getting a coke can from "that mobile home" randomly situated on Burke Station Rd. whose inhabitants were so drunk they forgot it was Halloween and gave us the only thing they had.

Having mom drive us around to the townhouse neighborhoods so we could do as much damage as fast as we could.

Having dad say every year, " Now let me see all of your candy to make sure that it is safe to eat."

Setting up, strategizing, and having candy wars.

Making Zac wear women's pants from DI to be the Tin Man...whatever, who cares, that costume was the shiz!

Anyway, I am sure there are many more but I've had a good laugh thinking of these few. This year I have decided to have a Halloween party of my own! It is going to be alot of fun, if you have good ideas pass them along! Also, I think you should share your favorite Halloween memories in response to this post. Here are a couple of Halloween pictures from years past.


FairfaxBuddha said...

I thought you resembled Theodore... the one who liked to eat. Anyway, I don't really have any more memories to post. You took the good ones. I didn't know about the Coke can though and it made me laugh out loud here at work. I do love Halloween even if it is devoid of its original meaning. It's a day to dress up and be silly and that is just plain fun.

FairfaxBuddha said...

PS... bring on the pics

Fetcher said...

One year, I wanted to be the Green Lantern. So, Mom made this really cool singlet for me to wear, and Dad used his drafting skills to copy the logo from a comic book to sew onto the singlet. The horror of the costume was when Mom took me into K-Mart to buy the leggings. She bought me black women's panty hose ... I was horrified. I was embarrassed to wear my costume to school that year, but also felt really cool at the same time. Apparently, they are making a Justice League of America live action movie - and Green Lantern is going to be represented. I can't freakin' wait.

Vicky said...

So were you a black guy then too that year? The modern Green Lantern is a cool black guy- just wondering...

FairfaxBuddha said...

Nope, back in the day Green Lantern was white. Now I think there are a league of them, like the Jedi, an elite club. Imagine Aaron as a black guy...

Fetcher said...

Actually, the Green Lantern Corp is composed of different species of sentient beings, as a police force of sorts. They all have green power rings that must be charged from a lantern, which can be used to create just about anything the wearer imagines. They are overseen by the Guardians of the Universe, on planet Oa, where the central Green Lantern that is the source of power for all the rings of the Corp.

There are four Earthling green lanterns that are the most well known to comic book readers. Alan Scott was the original Green Lantern, followed by Hal Jordan, Kyle Raynor and then John Stewart. John Stewart is the current Green Lantern, seen in the Justice League cartoons that Vicky is probably talking about (and rumored to be the Green Lantern in the Justice League movie), and happens to be a brotha.

Hal Jordan was the Green Lantern I remember when I was a kid, so my costume was an homage to him. My favorite ended up being Kyle Raynor, who turned total bad-ass and transformed into the Green Lantern God "Ion", but that was when I was in my tween years.