Thursday, November 20, 2008

What a Waste!

So starting Wednesday of this week I had to use my PTO (paid time off) because I felt like I had been hit by a mac truck. I mean what a waste, I could've used those hours sunbathing on some exotic island or cruising in Alaska. Oh well, thank goodness I have a job I guess. Well today, I learned three things, well I'm sure there are more but lets just keep it at three. 1) Nurses make the worst patients because they often self diagnose and then don't see a doctor about it. 2) I have a severe case of strep throat and tonsilitis. And if you don't believe me just have a look at my ginormous tonsils. They doctor reprimanded me then called them HUGE and said it had been a long time since he had seen any this bad. 3) I'm not one to take a lot of medication, I like to tough it out (which is probably why I am in this predicament at present) but percocet is a lovely drug. I am so excited that I might actually get some sleep tonight!

...Sorry no gross pictures of my additional thing I learned today, my camera broke and it's irrepairable...bummer.

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