Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Heroes and Villains

So I never thought we would be able to top the ghetto fabulous party I threw back in March but I think we just may have this past weekend. A couple of us were ready for another night of good ol' fashioned fun and dancing...and thus was born the idea of a Heroes and Villains party. It was pretty awesome and a good excuse to get dressed up, which many of you know I love! Funny to me though how most of the girls dressed up as villains...maybe we wanted an excuse to be bad for one night...enjoy the pictures!

Apple Picking

Our singles Ward went apple picking last Saturday. Once again it was a beautiful day and perfect for the activity! I love our ward. It was a lot of fun and I broke an apple in half with my bare hands for the first time. Don't worry, I'll include a picture! Now let the baking begin...I've never seen so many apples sitting in my apartment at one time!


Our next stop was Niagra Falls, U.S.A. and Cananda, eh?! These falls are so beautiful. The ladies and I went on two tours where we got to go into the heart of the Falls with one (Maid of the Mist) and right under the Falls on the other(Cave of the Winds). God and Jesus are such great artists. Once we spent most of the day in the U.S. we walked over to Canada and saw the falls lit up at night. We also met a group of YSA's from Toronto, Canada while there...cool, huh?! We had a pretty tiring day and were ready to stay with our gracious hosts, The Hamon's whom we met in Palmyra the previous day. Ah, the inner city of Buffalo...good times.


Over Labor Day weekend I had the opportunity or took the opportunity to take a road trip. I put the word out and was able to recruit a few friends to come with! It was so much fun, we all had a great time. Our first stop was Palmyra, N.Y. which I had never been to before. The weather was perfect and conducive to the spirit that was present there. Learning about and being in all of the church historical sites was amazing, awe inspiring, spectacular, etc. I did, however have two favorite spots while visiting. The first one is probably pretty obvious:

1) the sacred grove - it was so peaceful there and neat to think that this was the place where God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith.(pictured above)

2) the replicated room in the Frame house where Joseph Smith was visited by the angel Moroni. We had the opportunity to bear our testimonies of Jesus Christ and his church while in this room.(pictured above)

The couple of days that were spent in Palmyra helped me ponder about my life and renewed my conviction to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Can't wait until I get to go back.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cleaning Machine!

So after weeks and weeks of being so busy I had no time to think, I finally got to clean my apartment from top to bottom today. This includes dusting, scrubbing the floors, laundry, cleaning my car, etc. There is something therapeutic about having a clean house. I think it has something to do with the whole "a house of order is a house of God"! Anyway, that's all for now...Now, let the FUN begin!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Duh, Duh, Duh...Hap-py Birt-day.

Vicky requested a carrot cake for her birthday celebration this year. So like the good sister that I am :) I offered to make it for her. Wow, I don't know how many of you have made a carrot cake before but it is a lot of work! Totally worth it however! It was pretty tasty if I do say so myself with the exception of the whole "sleeping beauty" frosting fiasco! Who could help that though, it was like 90 degrees in mom's kitchen...the frosting didn't stand a chance!

P.S. I only now about two weeks later realized that I spelled Birthday wrong on the cake when frosting it...wow, I guess that's what I get for going to NOVA where "N" stands for knowledge!