Saturday, December 29, 2007

Friday, December 28, 2007

The Isle of Green

So I think that most everybody knows that I went and ran a marathon in Ireland. Well, I mean I couldn't just go and run...I had to sight see also. My friend Diane offered to go with me. So off we went a week before my marathon at the end of October. What a beautiful really is every shade of green one can imagine!!! We had alot of good times...and if you have a REALLY long time I can tell you all the stories as well as show you all of my pictures! The country was rich in old architecture (which I love) and ancient runes. Pictures highlights include:

Kissing the Blarney Stone
Blarney Castle
Cliffs of Moher
The Burren
and much more...

As far as the marathon...well let's just say I finished. I injured my knee around mile 17 and finished an hour after my first marathon. Maybe not enough training, or hard enough training...well better luck next time. Just disappointed that I flew across the Atlantic to do so poorly.

London, England

On the way to Ireland...Diane and I planned a long layover in England. We rode the underground into the city and got to see:

Big Ben and Parliament
Buckingham Palace
Westminster Abbey

as well as a few other things...we had a lot of fun especially when we found ourselves running through Heathrow Int. Airport(which IS the most confusing airport ever!)to catch our connecting flight to Dublin which we missed by minutes...what a workout!

Halloween Party

Since I wasn't going to be in the U.S. for Halloween I thought I would throw a party before I left. Here are a few pics from the event. I was a geisha if you couldn't tell. I was worried no one would show up but hey, I actually made some friends while I was in Utah!

State Fair

I went with Vicky's family and my friend to the Utah State was so much fun! Zac and I bought "all you can ride" passes and I think we made ourselves sick with endless spinning,turning, and twirling rides. We then got to see a free SheDaisy concert (which I dragged my friend to) and am pretty sure the reason why he stopped talking to me. Enjoy. All these pics I took myself.

Highlights from the Past 3 months...

So this has got to be a record in non-blogging history...I'm sorry that I am such a're in for it! Here are a few...ok more than a few highlights from the last three months!